Course Conditions

We’ll post any updates related to the race course and conditions here, and you can also keep an eye on the Skinny Ski reports for Ashwabay.


The course is marked, DougO is out in Harold the Bombardier grooming the course and it’s going to be a fantastic day tomorrow! Thanks to Sam and Dave for putting flagging all afternoon, and to DougO for driving the big machine!


A quick update, things are looking just about as perfect as could be (at least for 2025). We’ve got a day or warm temps this week, but that won’t be an issue as we have a good base now. Expecting really good conditions for the race, the base is firm but not icy. Coverage is 100%, you might encounter oak leaves or tree debris, and possibly a bit of debris going down the Buzz from some bank erosion where dirt gets knocked off by the groomer. It should be firm and fast but not icy (unless we get new snow, then it might be slow but very beautiful!)


We have TONS of natural snow -at least relatively, we’re still low compared to a good year, but the coverage is great. We got another 4+ inches of lake effect this week after a good 8+ last week. The photos below are from Wednesday and Thursday. We are looking forward to a fantastic race! We’ll run the full race as planned. Register and join us!!


The Nordic conditions at Mt. Ashwabay have been fantastic for the past two weeks, it is some of the best early season skiing in recent memory. We have been skiing on “A” skis on all of the trails. Forecasts call for some warm temps and a bit or rain over the next two days, but we’re optamistic that the trails will hold up OK. (The tracks are a bit shallow and will benefit from another snowfall…)

We are getting ready for the race, and can’t wait to welcome skiers to our trails for the 19th annual Ashwabay Summit Nordic Ski Race!


The course groomed up SO NICE this morning! Thanks to Mike W who mobilized a crew, of CANSki Middle School Skiers and the Thursday night dudes ski group, and to a dedicated pack of groomers this morning, the course actually looks better than it did a few days ago! We are feeling so great about the race tomorrow.


Remarkably, the trails held up fine yesterday and last night during the warmup. Tonight it was back down to 25 degrees, frozen hard and very fast. There is still a lot of white snow out there!!! We’ll do our best to scratch it up, but it will be icy on the downhills. But I think that is better than the alternative…


I skied the course this afternoon, and it is holding up OK. The course was groomed on Monday, and today there were only a few spots where there was dirt showing, which I patched. The stake deck was still firm, getting a little dirty in places. We’re going to keep our fingers crossed for tomorrows warmer temps, and plan to shovel snow on the thin spots and groom on Friday morning after it freezes again. We are still planning on using the entire 12k loop, and will keep an eye on how things develop tomorrow. The tracks are very thin in some places. See photos below.


I skied the entire course (modified 12k loop) today, (1pm-3pm). The photos below are from Seagull, Abbey Rd, and Northern Lights. Overall the trails have held up better in the past few days than I had expected.

Skate Lanes: The skate lanes are generally very firm and flat, with a few thin spots that are easy to avoid. I threw some snow on the thin spots to try to prevent more melting this week, and we’ll likely do that again later in the week. It was very fast. The base is a hard packed 1-3 inches.

Tracks: The tracks are OK in some areas, and not in others. Unless we got some unexpected new snow, I don’t think we will be able to reset any tracks, based on snow depth and temps. Classic skiers will have to leave the tracks at times.



The current conditions on the course are remarkably good, there is a thin but very solid base! We’ve got a crew lined up to patch a few thin spots, and are hopeful that we’ll be able to keep the snow we have over the next week. We’ll announce any changes to the course next Thursday.


We are keeping a close eye on the forecast, which calls for temps above freezing next week. One thing to know is that sometimes Ashwabay gets a little bit of lake effect snow that isn’t in the forecast. Also, the temps up on the trials are often 2-4 degrees colder than the Bayfield forecast. That’s all to say that we remain optimistic that we’ll maintain snow on the trails, but are also planning for contingencies, including a modified course, a shorter race, or a more informal “tour” or other creative event in the even of more significant melting.

We are committed to SOME kind of event that gets you on skis, a whole lot of delicious pie, fun, and camaraderie!

You can keep an eye on our webcam for up to the minute conditions!


The course is in great shape, all things considered. The only exception is the section coming down “The Buzz” where there are some uneven and thin spots. However, that shouldn’t be an issue for the race, I’m feeling confident that we can patch those spots and the descent will be fine. The rest of the course is in good shape, there are a few dirty spots but the skate deck is firm and flat.

We are monitoring the conditions, and working to preserve the snow we have. The coming warm temps should be OK as much of the course is north facing. We often get a few inches of lake effect snow throughout the week even when it isn’t in the forecast.

Here are some photos of the trail taken on 1/21/24 to give a sense of the snowpack. I’ll post additional updates as we get closer to the race. -Kate


After a slow start, this past weekend finally felt like winter (and ski season) have arrived at Ashwabay. Ashwabay benefits from a little extra lake effect snow, and all (or nearly all) of the trails were open and in good to great condition as of 1/20/24.